Program Nutrisi yang Dipersonalisasi
Did you know that the key to human longevity lies in the power of nutrition and controlling food intake? At Apollo, we understand that every cell in our body requires a constant supply of the right nutrients, micronutrients, and oxygen to thrive and function optimally. Think of every organ in your body, whether it's your heart, liver, spleen, or lungs – they are all a sum of their basic building blocks: the cells.
Cells rely on a steady stream of nutrients and oxygen to produce the energy necessary for their vital functions. However, as energy is generated, waste products are also produced. This is where a robust detoxification system comes into play, ensuring that every cell remains in a state of optimal well-being.
At Apollo, we take a personalized approach to nutrition, recognizing that each individual has unique dietary needs. Our experienced team will craft a Personalized Nutrition Program tailored specifically to your cellular health, helping you maintain and optimize your overall well-being.
Our program focuses on nourishing your cells with the nutrients they require to thrive. Through a comprehensive assessment, we identify any nutritional deficiencies or imbalances that may be affecting your cellular health. We then design a program that combines the right balance of macronutrients, micronutrients, and antioxidants to support optimal cellular function.
With our Personalized Nutrition Program, you can expect a range of benefits. Improved energy levels, enhanced cognitive function, better sleep quality, and a strengthened immune system are just a few of the positive outcomes you may experience. By providing your cells with the fuel they need, you'll be empowering your body to function at its best and increasing your chances of achieving longevity and vitality.
Don't wait any longer to unlock the secrets of optimal cellular health. Book an appointment with us today, and let us customize a Personalized Nutrition Program that will revolutionize the way you nourish your body from the inside out. Your journey towards optimal health and longevity starts here at Apollo.
Tes yang Disesuaikan
Kami menawarkan serangkaian tes investigasi yang komprehensif, memberikan wawasan yang lebih dalam tentang biokimia, DNA, usia biologis, status kekebalan dan hormonal Anda, atau bahkan deteksi dini Sel Kanker (sel induk kanker CSC/CTC/Sel Tumor yang beredar) yang dikenal sebagai Biopsi Cair. Dengan wawasan ini, dokter kami akan menyusun rencana perawatan individual untuk memperbaiki ketidakseimbangan apa pun.
Emsculpt NEO
EMSCULPT NEO adalah satu-satunya teknologi non-invasif yang secara bersamaan menggunakan frekuensi radio dan HIFEM+ (energi elektromagnetik terfokus intensitas tinggi) untuk menghilangkan lemak dan membentuk otot.
Hasil akhirnya adalah lebih banyak pengurangan lemak dan pertumbuhan otot dalam waktu yang lebih singkat dibandingkan dengan produk standar emas mana pun.

Sistem Pengiriman Oksigenasi Pribadi POD (teknologi oleh IDUNN ®)
Pembalikan Hipoksia Jaringan adalah Buzzword Industri terbaru karena banyak makalah ilmiah telah menunjukkan bahwa kekurangan oksigen adalah awal dari banyak penyakit kronis dan akut. Tanpa oksigen bahkan selama 3 menit akan menandakan akhir kehidupan, bayangkan memiliki oksigenasi jaringan yang rendah selama bertahun-tahun, sel-sel kita akan terus menerus berada di bawah tekanan dan tekanan. Ini pada akhirnya akan mengarah pada kondisi penyakitnya dan kompromi dalam fungsi organ.
Dalam istilah praktis ini akan menyebabkan Penyakit Degeneratif Kronis misalnya Diabetes, Aterosklerosis, Athritis, Fatty Liver, Demensia dan penurunan fungsi Otak, dan banyak patologi lainnya.
Berendam dalam POD hanya 40 menit setiap hari, akan menunjukkan manfaat yang luar biasa dalam 14-20 hari. Dapatkan kembali vitalitas muda Anda dan akses potensi tak terbatas Anda.

Terapi Gelombang Kejut Ultrasound ED
At Apollo Men's Wellness Clinic, we understand that hair loss can significantly impact your confidence and self-esteem. We believe that a full head of hair is not just about aesthetics; it's about feeling empowered and embracing your true self. That's why we are proud to offer an innovative hair loss treatment that utilizes the revolutionary Thesera needle-less air gun.
Introducing Thesera, a cutting-edge technology designed to combat hair loss and promote hair regrowth. This advanced treatment delivers potent active molecules directly into the scalp, targeting the root cause of hair loss. By strengthening the hair follicles, improving blood supply and blood flow, and reducing hair loss, Thesera paves the way for a revitalized and fuller head of hair.